Step 3 - Vocabulary al-af'aal (الأَفْعال)
make 4 columns on one page in your notebook. Each column is given the following title: column 1: ماض (past tense) column 2: مضارع (present tense) column 3: مصدر (infinitive) column 4: مرادف (synonym) Look up the word in a dictionary and fill in the first three columns in. Look up the synonym of the word in the dictionary. If I can't find a synonym for the word, I usually write down a short description of the word. You can find this definition in an Arabic - Arabic dictionary.
Step 4 - next text
Go to the next text or page and start again at step 1. It is important that in steps 2 and 3 you only write down the words that you have not yet written down.
Step 5 - Repeat and memorize
Periodically review the list of words you have written down. You have to memorize the words that are in another column 2, 3 and 4.